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Best Practices for Cybersecurity in the Digital Age

By: Amdad Hossan

Twitter: @TheLatestByte

Post Date: 2024-08-10

Cyber Security in the Digital Age 

Cybersecurity is becoming a common word in this digital age. The more technology is advancing, the more increases the demand for cybersecurity. Nowadays, cybersecurity is becoming a crucial concern for all sizes of businesses that integrate their business operations with digital technology and platforms. Because we are all in a digital transition period most of the data is generated, stored, and transmitted electronically.  Before going on the implications of cybersecurity within businesses, we must know what it is. Cybersecurity is protecting digital networks, systems, individual data, and servers from unauthorized access, digital attacks, theft, and damage. Some of the most significant threats today are 'phishing attacks, ransomware, advanced persistent threats (APTs), malware, denial of service (Dos), and distributed denial of service (DDoS). So, to protect the business from these threats, every business organization of all sizes must adopt robust cybersecurity measures. 

Cybersecurity Landscape

The cybersecurity landscape is continuously evolving with technological advancement. But this technological advancement is also a blessing for the hacker to hack or attack easily on someone's account, systems, network, etc. Nowadays, cyber-attack or threats seems more sophisticated and frequent. Global cybercrime is increasing day by day and resulting in significant costs for people, businesses, government, and other entities. Cybersecurity Ventures reported in 2023 that these costs are expected to be $10.5 trillion annually within 2025, which was $3 trillion in 2015. In 2023, IBM and the Ponemon Institute reported that the average cost of a data breach was $4.45 million which was 2% more than in 2022 ($4.35 million). These statistics depicted that apart from the positive contribution, technological advancements lead to an increase the cybercrime and cyber costs at a high rate. Besides, this startling rise in cybercrime and cost highly emphasizes the immediate need for effective cybersecurity measures in business organizations.

Best Practices for Protecting Business Data and Customer Information

Implement Strong Access Controls

John Doe says "Strong access controls are the first line of defense against unauthorized access. Ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to critical systems and data is essential." Further, the target data breach in 2013 reminded the importance of access controls in the computing environment, because over 40 million customers suffered from this data breach. So, to protect the company's sensitive data, resources, and customer personal information from unauthorized access, the organization needs to implement strong access controls. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) and role-based access control (RBAC) are two strong security measures that limit and control access to sensitive information. These security measures make the gateway of a network or system with two or more verification factors like password, security token, biometric verification, etc. 

Encrypt Sensitive Data 

Sometimes it seems companies' sensitive data and information are transmitted to the wrong hands by mistake, resulting in huge costs and threats. Capital One experienced a data breach in 2019 that exposed over 100 million customers' personal information, payment history, credit scores, etc. In that case, encryption is the best solution for protecting sensitive data. It encrypts the plaintext into ciphertext using an algorithm so that unauthorized persons cannot understand even though they get access to information. The current date, Advanced Encryption Standards (AES) is the best measure for data encryption that enables business organizations to ensure safe storage and transmission of sensitive data. Jane Smith, CTO of ABC Corp, highly emphasized that "It is crucial to implement robust encryption protocols for all sensitive information." 

Regular Updates and Patch Systems

A renowned cybersecurity analyst states that "Keeping systems up-to-date is one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent cyber-attacks." This statement emphasizes that vulnerabilities in the cybersecurity world are continuously discovered and new solutions are also consistently discovered for these. The WannaCry experienced a ransomware attack in 2017 on Windows operating systems that affected 200,000 computers across 150 countries, resulting in billions in damages. So, it is highly recommended that business organizations and other entities regularly update their systems and computing environments with advanced security measures to protect their sensitive data and resources from those vulnerabilities.

Conduct Regular Security Audits and Assessments 

Here and there lot of vulnerabilities and threats can be seen that the organizations face. A notable example is Equifax's 2017 data breach, which exposed 147 million people's personal information regarding credit. This had happened due to unaddressed vulnerabilities that could have been figured out with regular security audits. This data breach emphasizes the importance of regular security audits and assessments. It enables business organizations to identify potential cyber threats, vulnerabilities, and security gaps. The organizations can go through the process of vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, security information, and event management (SIEM) systems, compliance audits, internal and external audits, IDS/IPS, phishing simulations, and patch management for regular security audits and assessments. 

Educate and Train Employees 

The foremost important thing to secure the company's sensitive data and customer information is efficient and skilled employees. One more considerable thing is that business organizations not only need to have cyber and IT experts but also have arrangements for comprehensive cybersecurity training programs for those experts. Because the cybersecurity landscape is continuously evolving with new technologies and vulnerabilities. Due to have lack of adequately trained employees, Twitter had faced a spear-phishing attack on some high-profile accounts. As Alex Green says "Continuous education and training are crucial to ensure that everyone in the organization understands their role in protecting sensitive information." So, business organizations must ensure every employee in the IT sector is trained with advanced technologies and expertise. 

Current date, cybersecurity is becoming a major concern for every organization and government institution. Because the sensitive data and information are recorded, stored, and transmitted through digital networks and systems that are hackable. So, by following these best practices and staying tuned about the current trends and vulnerabilities, business organizations can safeguard their critical assets.

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